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Education Resources
Education today requires the collaboration of many parties for effective interactions and expected outcomes. Children, in addition to schools and parents, are central to achieving all goals.
Children and Climate Change
This course presents how children and youth can be impacted by climate change, how their resilience can be strengthened, and how they can act to address this challenge. It consists of a module divided into five sections and takes around two hours to complete. A short quiz at the end allows you to test your […]
Summer Coding BootCamp 2021
2 courses from STEAM for Vietnam (Lessons will be updated weekly) Course CS 001: Introduction to Computational Thinking and Scratch Programming For beginner students from 8 to 16 years old Lesson 1: Opening the Introductory Course of to Computational Thinking and Scratch Programming | Summer 2021 Lesson 4: Amazing Race | Summer 2021 Course CS […]