Study on school-related factors impacting mental health and well-being of adolescents in Viet Nam

Schools are one of adolescents’ most important psychosocial environments, offering mental health risk factors, protective factors and opportunities for mental health promotion and support. School-based mental health services are crucial to supporting adolescent student mental health and addressing school-related mental health risk factors. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Viet Nam, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), conducted a ‘Comprehensive Study on School-related Factors Impacting Mental Health and Well-Being of Adolescent Boys and Girls in Viet Nam’. The study addresses two primary questions:
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General information: Viet Nam is the 13th most affected country by natural disasters and climate change. Children account for one-third of the population in Viet Nam and are highly vulnerable to intensifying natural disasters and the impacts of climate change. 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) taking place in Egypt from 6-18 November 2022 […]
Highlights The Climate Landscape Analysis for Children in Viet Nam was jointly facilitated by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and UNICEF Viet Nam with a view to analyzing the baseline situation of climate-related issues affecting children to inform the development of Socio-Economic Development Plans and other climate change-related policies with a more child-centred approach. […]