Launch of Youth On! Hackathon 2023

Youth On! Hackathon 2023 officially launched on November 5th, 2023, marking the beginning of a 21-day fantastic programming competition tailored for adolescents and youth between 14 to 19 years old.
Following up the success of this competition held for the first time in 2021, the 2023 competition is co-organized by UNICEF and the VNUK Institute for Research and Executive Education, the University of Da Nang, under the framework of the “Healthy Cities for Adolescents” Project – phase 2, and as a part of the Child-Friendly City Project – Da Nang for the period of 2023-2026.
The competition, in particular, is part of a series of activities in honor of World Children’s Day this year in Vietnam – an event hosted by UNICEF every November 20 to commemorate the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Youth On! Hackathon 2023 is expected to inspire young programmers to access and apply digital technology in the 4.0 era into creating new solutions to improve the quality of life for children and the youth in Da Nang in particular and for the public in general.
This year’s competition on mental health with the theme “Open Up and Connect” attracted 17 registered teams, totaling 70 participants. Team members hail from various middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities across Da Nang city. Additionally, the competition was supported by 15 mentors who are leading experts in the technology field, including professors and lecturers from VNUK Institute for Research and Executive Education’s Department of Science and Technology.