Kick Start the Design Contest “Green Playground Inner City”

An interesting challenge for adolescents in Da Nang to create a green initiative for eco-friendly playground, appropriate for the urban context, especially in Da Nang city
Playing in a green and clean space as well as having chances to join outdoor activities can bring significant benefits to children’s physical, mental and social development, especially in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. In recent consultations, children and adolescents in Da Nang expressed their wishes to have more public spaces and playgrounds in the city. They also expect that child-friendly playground ideas are taken into consideration when designing playgrounds. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to listen to children’s voices for an ideal playground.
In March 2022, UNICEF Viet Nam cooperates with Da Nang Youth Union to organise the contest “Green Playground Inner City” for all adolescents aged 12 – 18 years old. The contest is one of activities hosted by the Healthy Cities for Adolescents (HCA) project, under the Child Friendly City Initiative in Da Nang
The contest purposes:
- Collecting ideas of playground from adolescents – the main beneficiary group with the aim of contributing to the idea collection for further playground projects in Da Nang and Viet Nam
- Raising the community awareness of the importance of playground with the development of children
- The winning ideas will be realized in 2 upgrading playgrounds in Da Nang supported by UNICEF Viet Nam
- All Vietnamese adolescents aged 12 to 18
- Contestants can join as individuals and as a group
- Contestants are living in Da Nang City
- The preliminary round: March 4th to March 22nd 2022
- The final round: March 23rd to March 28th, 2022
How to join
- The preliminary round: The contestants send submission to the following lin:
The submission includes: a drawn picture(size A3), a design concept (PDF) or a creative architectural model with an idea introduction document
- The final round: The candidate/group selected will present their idea on the virtual platform
- 1st prize: Reward valued at 5,000,000 VND
The design idea will be realized in upgrading 2 playgrounds in Danang
- 3 prizes for the following categories: Feasible Design Award, Creative Design Award and Green Ambassador Award
Reward valued at 3,000,000 VND
The suitable design idea will be realized in upgrading 2 playgrounds in Da Nang
- 2 consolation prizes
Reward valued at 2,000,000 VND
The suitable design idea will be realized in 2 playgrounds in Da Nang
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